
About us

When I tell people what I do for a living, I always get the impression that they think my job is very sophisticated, maybe boring too, and always relevant to business, contracts, budgets. It’s also all of that.
But I’ve always thought my job could be compared to that of a craftsman: each artist has a different soul and it’s our job to uncover it, enhance it, no matter how raw, immature or hidden it may be, transforming it into something that represent him or her even more.

This belief has led me to finally open, after many years of lucubration, my own label: LaTarma Records.
The idea of discovering young and inexperienced artists and guide them, helping them build their own path from scratch, has always fascinated me: thanks to La Records I feel like I can do it more than ever.

To guide the young artists alongside me there are Silvia Gianatti and Francesca Zampieri.
I’ve known Silvia for a lifetime, for real. Journalist, writer, consulting editor. A&R without her knowing. Her incredible ability to listen without being influenced and without giving in to prejudice is the pillar on which our friendship stand: Silvia listens (to the music but also to my long digressions) and gives me an opinion that’s just as honest and visionary.

Francesca is full of energy: never tired, she’s always moving around, smiling all the time. Her vitality struck me since the first time I met her. However, there are sides of her character that remain hidden. For example, the fact that she can easily switch from arguing with me about a track or the graphic design of a cover to configuring the wifi network or mounting chairs and drawers for the office. All equally important skills for a small reality like ours.